James Wood is an infectious disease epidemiologist with a veterinary background. He is Alborada Professor of Equine and Farm Animal Medicine and Head of University of Cambridge Vet School. He co-chairs the Cambridge Infectious Diseases Interdisciplinary Research Centre and conducts multidisciplinary research on infectious diseases.
His research interests combine mathematical modelling and genomic approaches in multidisciplinary, One Health frameworks, including social sciences. He has particular interests in the epidemiological dynamics of different infections of humans and other animals, including bovine tuberculosis, influenza, emergent filovirus, lyssavirus and henipavirus infections in sub-Saharan Africa and rabies. His studies of emergent diseases include antimicrobial resistance at the human animal interface. He has published ~250 papers in international peer-reviewed journals.
In addition to his research interests, he is also involved in the , which focuses on building links between Cambridge and African Institutions and which aims to strengthen Africa's own capacity for sustainable research. He is also co-investigator on the Wellcome Trust Cambridge Centre for Global Health Research and a member of UK Government Department Defra TB Eradication Advisory Group (TBEAG) and of Defra’s Science Advisory Committee.
Professor Wood was .