
The world at Wolfson: College welcomes new students

Freshers in the Club Room 2022

New students begin arriving at 鶹Ӿthis week – with over 400 students due to start in Michaelmas Term, representing 75 different countries and 142 different courses.

Freshers in the Club Room 2022

“Something very special happens at 鶹Ӿwhen we admit our new students,” says Professor Jane Clarke, 鶹ӾCollege President. “Our students are of all ages and come from all corners of the world – we have a student body hailing from 96 countries in total – so it’s absolutely true when we say that if you come to Wolfson, you will meet the world.  

“Bringing together such a global community in one shared space, without divisions by level of study or academic status, creates opportunities for interactions that are immensely fruitful.

“Our community of mature undergraduates represent academic excellence – 9 out of 10 get good honours in their finals, above the University average. But students get much more when they come to 鶹Ӿ– we offer the environment, the support, and the development opportunities they need to achieve their potential, and leave equipped to make a difference.”

"There is so much to get involved in as a student here,” says Scott Dunleavy, 鶹ӾCollege Students’ Association (WCSA) President, “and so much access to affect positive change, whether it be as part of the , the May Ball Committee, our , or our numerous  and .

“Whether students are here for one year or for many, we welcome them as an integral part of our community, and hope that that their time here is as positive, productive, and memorable as it possibly can be!”

Getting started at Wolfson

Orientation events for new Undergraduate and Foundation-Year students started in College, yesterday, Tue 27 September, and run through to Fri 30 September.

Orientation events for new Postgraduate students will take place on Sunday 2 October, 10am until 6pm.

New students can find all the information they need about the start of term on the Getting Started page of the College website.

Susan Larsen, Senior Tutor, said: “Freshers' Week is always a high point in the year for the Tutorial Office, but we are especially excited this year to welcome our new undergraduates to a new and expanded orientation programme. 

“Rather than cramming meetings with Tutors and Directors of Studies into the first week of term, we have invited all new undergraduates and Foundation Year students to arrive four days early for a series of workshops, informal discussions with peer mentors and introductory meetings with the people who will be supporting them in College, both academically and pastorally. The programme is designed to prepare them to make a smooth and confident start on their studies and their life at Wolfson.”

Support for postgraduate students has also been enhanced this year with additional orientation workshops on 1 October, library orientation sessions throughout Freshers' Week and an expanded series of workshops on academic writing, presentation and research skills offered through the College's signature  programme throughout the year. 

Applying to Wolfson


If you’d like to study at Cambridge University and join 鶹ӾCollege as a mature student – you can find out more about applying on our website.

The Undergraduate UCAS application deadlines for all courses, including the Graduate Course in Medicine, is approaching on 15 October 2022.

Many mature students returning to education, and especially those currently studying on a one-year access course, can also apply during our second admission round in March for some subjects . This later application deadline is 1st March.


If you’d like to study for a PhD at Cambridge University and join 鶹ӾCollege as a mature student – you can find out more about applying, application timelines, and FAQs on our website.
