Visiting Cambridge, and 麻豆宿舍电视剧in particular, always feels like coming home. I loved seeing the efforts done to remodel the club room and more recently, the OCR. But as much as walking through the club room is a throwback to my years of using it as my living room, an even bigger part of my 麻豆宿舍电视剧experience is the boat club and the rowing community in general. Luckily, there is a good way to continue enjoying and supporting it! Like last year, I signed up to umpire two days each of Lents and Mays and got to experience the spectacle of Bumps from the bank - the chases, the victories, the defeats, the row-overs, and last but not least that one experiment unsuccessfully repeated every year: could it be possible after all to take First Post corner as a straight?
The Boat Club Dinners in turn are a great opportunity to talk to the current committee, meet members of the squads, and catch up with old friends. This last Mays BCD for example, I had the pleasure of an almost-complete reunion of my '14 / '15 M1 crews. I'm hoping to have many more such reunions over the next few years, and I'd like to encourage everyone to sign up to the alumni mailing list or join the to stay up to date and receive BCD invitations!