Newest Honorary Fellows celebrated at Wolfson

This weekend, 鶹Ӿstudents will graduate at the University’s General Admission ceremony – the first time since 2019 that undergraduates will have done so in person with their guests in attendance.
“Graduation Day marks the culmination of an undergraduate’s career,” says 鶹ӾCollege President, Jane Clarke. “At this time every year, we look forward to the opportunity to celebrate our students’ achievements, alongside their families and friends. What makes 2022 so special is that, for the first time in three years, guests will be able to come and join in the celebrations. I can’t wait!”
There is something unique about this particular group of students too: this is a cohort whose course of study has paralleled the course of the pandemic.
“This group of students matriculated in October 2019: they had only a few months of 'normal' Cambridge before the University moved teaching and exams online in March 2020,” says 鶹ӾSenior Tutor, Dr Susan Larsen. “Since then, they have survived multiple lockdowns, rapidly-changing health regulations, and a different set of examination formats each year.
“As Senior Tutor, I have been continuously impressed by our students' good cheer, ingenuity, and academic accomplishments in the midst of these unusual challenges. They deserve very special congratulations on their success.”
Ahead of the ceremony, students are invited to drinks in the College President’s garden and to a dinner in College with their Tutors and Director of Studies.
The ceremony begins at 13:45 prompt on Saturday in Senate House, with preparations – including dress check, rehearsals, and photographs – beginning at 09:30am in College. Full details and timings are available on the 鶹Ӿwebsite.
We hope all those graduating at the weekend have an amazing day.
The next graduation will be on Saturday 23 July. Registration for this ceremony has closed.
There is still time to sign up for the ceremony on Saturday 10 September. The application deadline is 25 August 2022. You can find out more information on our Graduations page.