Newest Honorary Fellows celebrated at Wolfson

This Friday's Science Society lecture could be explosive! Dr Chandrima Ganguly will talk about the very early days of our universe - and the mysteries we have yet to solve in Of bounces and bangs: how much do we know about how our Universe began?
Dr Chandrima Ganguly is one of Wolfson's newest Junior Research Fellows. She was awarded the in 2019 and is based at the Institute of Astronomy.
Chandrima is interested in extracting observational signatures of very the early universe cosmological models that could be detected in the universe today. She is also interested in using cosmology to constrain particle physics beyond the standard model – such as constraining the nature of dark matter and dark energy. She has interests in late time tests of modified theories of gravity.
The Science Society lectures take place in the Gatsby Room and start with wine and nibbles at 17.45.