

During the course of your studies you may find that you are unable to continue because of a health condition (physical or mental), disability-related issues, bereavement, financial reasons, or another serious reason.  In these circumstances, you can apply for permission to take time out of your studies by intermitting (or disregarding terms in undergraduate language).

In the first instance students must contact their College Tutor to discuss their situation and the possibility of applying for intermission.


Purpose of Intermission

The purpose of intermission is to allow you the necessary time and distance away your studies to seek any necessary support, recuperate (in the case of ill health) or overcome any difficulties resulting from grave circumstances, and to alleviate any academic disadvantage caused to you as a result of ill health or other grave cause.

Undergraduates: What to do

You must contact your Tutor to discuss your situation and the implications of intermitting, as they will need to apply on your behalf to the University for permission to take time out or ‘disregard terms’ in University language. You may also wish to consult the Students’ Unions’ Advice Service.

Undergraduate students applying to intermit should contact Birgit Lintner in the Finance team to ask about changes to their UCF and to let her know you have applied to intermit.

If you live in College accommodation it is especially important to notify the Accommodation Manager as soon as you know your likely departure date. You should not delay such notification until formal approval of your application. In this instance only, the normal notice period will be waived and charges will cease on the date of notified departure. Where an intermitting student does not inform the Accommodation Manager of their application and departure date prior to actual departure, the normal notice period and associated charges will be invoked. This charge will not entitle the Licensee to residency during the notice period.”

Postgraduates: What to do

You must contact your Tutor to discuss your situation and the implications of intermitting. You can apply for intermission via your CamSIS self-service. Information on how to do this is available on the ‘ page.

Postgraduate students applying to intermit should contact Katarina Gargaroni in the Finance Office to ask about changes to your UCF and to let her know you have applied to intermit.

If you live in College accommodation it is especially important to notify the Accommodation Manager as soon as you know your likely departure date. You should not delay such notification until formal approval of your application. In this instance only, the normal notice period will be waived and charges will cease on the date of notified departure. Where an intermitting student does not inform the Accommodation Manager of their application and departure date prior to actual departure, the normal notice period and associated charges will be invoked. This charge will not entitle the Licensee to residency during the notice period.”

During Intermission: College engagement

During Intermission you should not use College facilities, nor engage in social activities within College, without the express permission of the College. If you have been approved for intermission and you live in College Accommodation it is especially important to notify the Accommodation Manager.

Further information for undergraduates:

Further information for postgraduates:


What's on

A triptych of three plant-themed paintings: the left shows large leaves, the center features a dark forest scene, and the right depicts vibrant, stylized foliage and flowers.

Art Exhibition: 'Life Within Landscapes'

21/09/2024 at 10.00

Explore Wolfson's newest exhibition, 'Life Within Landscapes', showcasing works by three Cambridge-based female contemporary artists, inspired by their Caribbean heritage.

Three women are engaged in a panel discussion on stage, seated on armchairs. A microphone, jug of water, and glasses are on the table in front of them.

A Woman's Place is in the Lab: Celebrating Women in STEM

28/09/2024 at 14.00

Celebrate Professor Jane Clarke’s legacy in STEM and join her for a discussion with four female scientists at different career stages about increasing accessibility for women in the field.

Three women, one in an animal print dress, one in a maroon jacket, and one in a bright pink dress, are having a conversation outside at a social event. Several people mingle in the background.

President's Farewell Garden Party

28/09/2024 at 15.30

Join us in Wolfson's beautiful gardens to celebrate President Jane Clarke with the unveiling of her official College portrait.


WolfWorks logo

WolfWorks-Being Productive: Developing Time Management and Reflective Practice Skills

19/10/2024 at 10.00

Take some time out at the start of the academic year to get organised and plan your next steps. 

A group of people dressed in formal academic attire, including black robes and white bow ties, walking outside in a procession.

Graduation Ceremony

26/10/2024 at 09.00

Graduation ceremonies are the culmination of students’ hard work and commitment, and a moment to celebrate the completion of their Cambridge degree.
