
Â鶹ËÞÉáµçÊÓ¾çBiodiversity Study Photo Competition

Muntjac deer in the Â鶹ËÞÉáµçÊÓ¾çStudent Garden
Green Society wcsa-greenofficer@wolfson.cam.ac.uk
Date 18/10/2021 at 00.00 - 24/10/2021 at 00.00 Where submit online

COP26 at Wolfson: all week

Â鶹ËÞÉáµçÊÓ¾çCollege boasts beautiful gardens that sustain a rich and diverse ecosystem. We have regular visits from rare and beautiful birds, as well as squirrels, dragonflies, and even newts and Muntjac deer (see above)!

We therefore want to see what you see, so each time you see a cool bug, bird or squirrel on the Â鶹ËÞÉáµçÊÓ¾çsite, bust your phone out and snap a picture :) send these to wcsa-greenofficer@wolfson.cam.ac.uk or on Facebook, with the time, date and location of your snap (and if you're feeling really brave have a go at IDing your find).

At the end of the week, we'll be looking through the photos and assigning prizes!

There will be competitive prizes for unique categories like "Best photo", "Rarest find", and "Most unique species found by one person", but don't let the competition put you off! We'll also be giving out collaborative prizes for anyone who's sent in a photo of a find, with better prizes the more species you find! Please just make sure the photos are ID-able, as we'll be doing our best to use this in the biodiversity study of the college. Even if it's the neighbourhood cat, one of our many squirrels, or some of our resident bumbly-bees, please do just grab a quick picture and join in :)


Seeking Discussion on
How can we make sustainability fair and equitable for all?
What is the role of adaption and mitigation?


Extra Info
A collaboration between the Â鶹ËÞÉáµçÊÓ¾çGreen Society and Wolfson Conservation & Sustainability Interdisciplinary Research Hub, the ultimate aim of this photo competition is to celebrate and record the wonderful biodiversity at Â鶹ËÞÉáµçÊÓ¾çby cataloguing as much wildlife around the site as possible!

This is the start of a collaborative journey to foster a perfect home for wildlife in our gardens. We need to work to be as welcoming to our ecosystem at Â鶹ËÞÉáµçÊÓ¾ças possible. Therefore, please do your best not to distress our wild friends in your photography adventures!

Much love and happy hunting,
Ava Bevington
Green Officer & Green Society President
