With current restrictions in place, this year's conference will be entirely online! Our speakers are grouped into three panels, each of which is tied together through a common theme. Panellists will be given the opportunity to share their expertise, followed by a moderated discussion to engage with audience questions.
The theme of IWD2021 is #ChooseToChallenge, and we implore our panellists and guests to reflect on how we can work to challenge inequalities in our daily lives at both micro and macro levels.
Schedule ()
18.00-18.10 - Welcome from the organising committee
18.10-18.50 - Panel 1: Lived Experiences — Lashanti Jupp, Lizzie Roberts, Rebecca Best
18.50-18.55 - Tea break
18.55-19.35 - Panel 2: Written Stories — Charlotte Clarke, Jonas Batista, Raquel Scarpa-Gebara, Geraldine Seymour
19.35-19.40 - Tea break
19.40-20.20 - Panel 3: Intersecting Inequalities — David Sánchez GarcÃa, Allysa Czerwinsky, Annoa Abekah-Mensah, Megan Coe, Raquel Scarpa-Gebara
20.20-20.25 - Tea break
20.25-20.50 - Keynote from Bronwen Mehta
20.50-21.00 - Closing thoughts, final reflections, and thank yous.
This event is a safe and inclusive space, and is open to folks of all gender identities.