choir / en "I may have shed a tear or two": Looking back on a special year of music at Wolfson /news/i-may-have-shed-tear-or-two-looking-back-special-year-music-wolfson "I may have shed a tear or two": Looking back on a special year of music at Wolfson Eleanor Tue, 08/01/2023 - 10:17 ]]> Tue, 01 Aug 2023 10:17:19 +0000 Eleanor 7332 at Have you ever wanted to sing in a choir? /news/have-you-ever-wanted-sing-choir Have you ever wanted to sing in a choir? Gaby Wed, 01/09/2019 - 17:13 ]]> Wed, 09 Jan 2019 17:13:52 +0000 Gaby 1477 at Director of Music celebrates ten years of children's music-making /news/director-music-celebrates-ten-years-childrens-music-making Director of Music celebrates ten years of children's music-making contra Thu, 08/16/2018 - 16:19 ]]> Thu, 16 Aug 2018 16:19:29 +0000 contra 323 at /news/director-music-celebrates-ten-years-childrens-music-making#comments