The cost of studying is often a major concern for mature undergraduates. It's a good idea to start thinking early about how to cover your costs. You can find further information about tuition fees, living costs, and financial support on the university website .
Financial support is also available from Â鶹ËÞÉáµçÊÓ¾çCollege.
- Â鶹ËÞÉáµçÊÓ¾çCollege Enhanced Bursaries
The Â鶹ËÞÉáµçÊÓ¾çCollege Enhanced Bursaries (WEBs) are offered to undergraduates who qualify for the maximum and are not in receipt of any other Â鶹ËÞÉáµçÊÓ¾çCollege scholarship. The WEB is set at £500 for students who hold the standard Cambridge Bursary (£3,500) and £750 for those who hold the Enhanced Cambridge Bursary (£5,600).
- Alborada Scholarships in Veterinary Science
The Alborada Scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic merit and financial need. Awards vary in size, with most in the range between £3,000 and £10,000, with a possibility of renewal, subject to satisfactory academic progress and continuing financial need. Preference is given to undergraduates for whom the award will have a decisive impact on their ability to pursue their chosen course of study. Only students who already hold an offer of a place to study at Â鶹ËÞÉáµçÊÓ¾çCollege are eligible to apply. Please note that these scholarships are not yet guaranteed to be available but we will update this page as soon as we have further information. Potential applicants for the Veterinary Medicine Tripos are welcome to contact the undergraduate admissions office for further advice.
- Donald & Beryl O'May Scholarship in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
This scholarship will next be available in October 2025 (after the current award-holders graduate). It is open to Â鶹ËÞÉáµçÊÓ¾çCollege undergraduates and postgraduates in the arts, humanities or social sciences (including law). The scholarship may be held for one, two or three years (subject to satisfactory progress). Applicants must be citizens of the United Kingdom or the Republic of Ireland. Preference will be given to candidates who have had a significant break in their studies at some stage since leaving school. The applicant must have been offered and accepted a place to study at Â鶹ËÞÉáµçÊÓ¾çCollege. Applications for this scholarship will be open in December 2024.
The College also offers undergraduates the following forms of financial support:
- Travel & Research Grants
Travel & Research Grants assist students with the costs of conducting research and/or presenting it at conferences. They are awarded on a competitive basis. Students who have been unsuccessful in a previous application are encouraged to apply again. Roughly 70 awards are available each year. Further details and how to apply can be found here.
- Vacation Project Grants
Vacation Project Grants support activities that are broadly educational, but that do not qualify for a Travel & Research Grant. They are awarded on a competitive basis. Students who have been unsuccessful in a previous application are encouraged to apply again. Up to 10 awards are available each year. Further details and how to apply can be found here.
- Language Study Grants
Â鶹ËÞÉáµçÊÓ¾çoffers Language Study Grants to cover up to 50% of the course fees for languages other than English through the .
- Academic Prizes
Academic Prizes are awarded for outstanding performance in undergraduate or Master's examinations and are awarded on graduation. You can find additional information about these prizes here.
- Music Scholarships
The College offers a number of prizes and scholarships to support Â鶹ËÞÉáµçÊÓ¾çmusicians in their studies and performance. You can find further details on our website here.
- Sports Awards
Â鶹ËÞÉáµçÊÓ¾çCollege assists current students who are training or competing for the University in a sport for which a Blue or Half-Blue is awarded. Priority will be given to applicants who have not previously received a Sports Bursary in the past. You can find further information and how to apply here.
- Hardship Funds
The College and the University expect all students to have sufficient funds in place to cover the costs of their course before taking up their place, but should you find yourself facing unanticipated financial difficulties for reasons that you could not have anticipated when you began your course, get in touch with your Tutor and discuss your eligibility for one or more of the specific Hardship funds listed below. There are notes on General Eligibility Principles and Guidance .
More information and the application form can be found here.
Support for Medical and Veterinary Students
- Standard six-year Medical & Veterinary course (UK, and EU students)
A new student who starts a standard medical or veterinary course in October 2024 is treated for four years as any other new student, charged the University fee of £9,250 and eligible for the same package of support as other students, including a fee loan and a maintenance loan.
In the final two years of the medical only course students become eligible for a means-tested , and the NHS also meets the cost of fees on a non-means tested basis. Students cease to be eligible for all other forms of government support, with the exception of a reduced rate non means-tested maintenance loan. In addition, an NHS Grant is available to English and Welsh students.
- Five-year Affiliate Course in Medicine & Veterinary Medicine
Full information on funding for the 5-year Affiliate Courses can be found .
Students from the UK who are studying for an Affiliate degree in Medicine and Veterinary Medicine at Â鶹ËÞÉáµçÊÓ¾çCollege will not be required to pay a separate College fee.
- Funding from BMA Charities
Second year Medicine students, who are doing Medicine as a second degree, can apply for hardship from the (for their third year only).
- Four-year Graduate Course in Medicine (CGCM)
Financial support is available for students studying the four-year Graduate Course in Medicine (CGCM) details of which can be found here.
- Additional Funding from the NHS Business Authority
In addition to the the NHS Business Authority provides further funding for Medical students details of which can be found below: